
How to Recruit and Train Top Talent with PHTA’s Work In Aquatics Initiative



Since the pandemic, workforce development has been a main concern for many industries—and the pool and hot tub industry is no exception. The Pool & Hot Tub Alliance (PHTA), the industry’s leading national trade association, has regularly heard from its members that recruiting and retaining employees is one of the top business concerns.

Going back to the first quarter of 2021, 53% of PHTA members were concerned about finding qualified employees and 21% were concerned about employee performance and quality. Jump to the second quarter of 2023, and 58% were still concerned with recruiting and retaining skilled employees.

There was a huge boom in the demand for pools and hot tubs during the pandemic. Although that demand has started to slow, 61% of participants in the PHTA Quarterly Pulse Surveys in 2023 say they are still experiencing project backlogs and 54% are increasing their employee headcount.

This is why PHTA launched Work In Aquatics, a groundbreaking workforce development initiative specifically created to address hiring, training, and retaining employees in the pool, spa, and hot tub industry. Work In Aquatics utilizes a multi-pronged approach to attract jobseekers to the industry, prepare them for industry jobs, and introduce them to companies with open positions.

The public-facing Work In Aquatics website shares information on career trajectories, recommended industry certifications and trainings, testimonials from people already working in the industry, and more. There are specific sections of the website dedicated to three key audiences: military veterans, high school graduates, and career changers. Work In Aquatics covers everything from entry-level lifeguards to critically acclaimed pool designers.

For professionals already working in the industry and looking to expand their workforce, there is an accompanying Work In Aquatics online job board. PHTA member companies can post their open positions (for free!) at careers.workinaquatics.com. Since its launch six months ago, participating companies have received more than 3,300 job applicants.

PHTA is also continuously developing resources for employers, such as tips on how to write job descriptions, how to promote open positions on your company’s website and social media accounts, and simple ways to retain your best employees.

Work In Aquatics is also supported by several existing PHTA programs, including PHTA’s two U.S. Department of Labor Registered Apprenticeship Programs. One apprenticeship program is for maintenance and service technicians, and the second is for pool installer technicians. These are robust programs that come equipped with PHTA on-demand education courses, guidelines for creating mentor relationships, and other resources. PHTA staff are available to help at any step along the way.

Both the apprenticeship programs and the Work In Aquatics website highlight the importance of professional certifications. PHTA offers 11 certifications across service, retail, build, and design, for people at any level in the industry. Some states require PHTA certifications as part of their licensure requirements for pool operations or construction, which is important for both employers and those just beginning their career to know.

If workforce development and employee retention are at the top of your business concerns, PHTA is here to help! Visit workinaquatics.com or contact Seth Ewing, PHTA’s Senior Director of Member Programs and Services, to learn more.

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