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Designing Pools With Passion – Joan Roca Master Pool Designer

After close to 50 years in the pool industry, Joan Roca is still making waves. We go one on one with Joan Roca, Master Pool Designer.



Pool Magazine is proud to present an exclusive interview with internationally acclaimed, award-winning pool designer Joan Roca of Joan Roca Master Pool Designs. For those unfamiliar with Roca’s work, he is a true artist in the world of luxury swimming pool design, with a passion for creating breathtaking, one-of-a-kind pools for his clients.

For Roca, building pools is more than just a job – it’s a true passion. From the moment he begins working with a new client, he is focused on bringing their dream pool to life, taking the time to carefully listen to their vision and incorporate their unique style and preferences into the design. It’s this dedication to excellence and attention to detail that has earned Roca a reputation as one of the premier pool designers in the industry.

In this special feature, we had the opportunity to sit down with Roca at the International Pool Spa Patio Expo and learn more about his approach to pool design, his favorite projects, and what sets him apart from the competition. Keep reading to get an inside look at the world of Joan Roca Master Pool Designs, and discover why this talented designer continues to make waves in the pool industry.

Joan Roca
Joan Roca of Joan Roca Master Pool Designs

One-on-One Interview With Joan Roca

PM (Pool Magazine): How did you first get started in the pool industry?

JR (Joan Roca): “I am an industrial engineer. I graduated from the University of Costa Rica in the early eighties and I’ve been working in the swimming pool industry since 1975. Back then, I was a kid working along with my father. That’s when I really fell in love with the pool industry.”

“In 1982, was my first international pool experience, I really fell in love with that as well. It was more amazing than I thought it could be. Since then I started coming here every single year to all of the expos and even some of the regionals in Florida to expand my knowledge and learn more. When you come to the expos it’s a great opportunity to go to seminars. One way or another you always learn something. It was there that I had the luck of meeting the three founders of Genesis.”

“I did all the programs that they had. You know, if you are an engineer or a doctor or whatever and you wanted a master’s degree or PH degree, there are hundreds of universities in the world where you can go to get it. But if you’re a pool builder, there was really no place to study something like that. So they created a program called Genesis. I did the whole thing, and I became the highest category, which is the master pool designer.”

“That’s why I am a master pool designer. It’s not just a name that I came up with. Since then, I’ve been enjoying even more of what the profession has to offer. Since then, I’ve been designing with more confidence and more acknowledgment. So practically all my life I’ve been doing this and have been blessed with a lot of success.

Modernn pool design
Photo Credit: Joan Roca Master Pool Designs

PM: What was that you learned in the Genesis program that gave you the knowledge and the confidence to go out there and dominate?

JR: “Genesis gave me the ability, confidence and, technology to add to my passion and talent. If this was basketball – on your own, you can train and train and still never be like Michael Jordan. If you have the talent inside you to be a star, Genesis will bring that out of you.”

PM: What inspires your design process and how do you work with a client on helping them conceptualize their ideal outdoor living environment?

JR: “Well, the question is not easy because what inspires you? I was thinking about this question, and I think that what inspires me is the site. When you actually visit to the place as a designer, you are there, you see it, you feel it, you see the architecture of the house, of the buildings, whatever it is.

“It’s at that time that you see the view, the weather, how the sun is moving. Is it a cold place, a tropical place? How is the garden, the landscaping? This is where I get my inspiration and of course, knowing who is going to swim there. Is it going to be a family? Is it going to be a condominium? So it’s going to be a group of families, a multifamily place. When I am there, I’m imagining what the area will be and that is what inspires me to take my paper and pencil and start designing.”

Vanishing edge pool design - Photo Credit: Joan Roca Master Pool Designs
Photo Credit: Joan Roca Master Pool Designs

PM: What we enjoy about your work is that really, no two pools are quite exactly alike. Can you explain your design philosophy?

JR: “Every pool is different because when I sit at my drawing table to design a pool, I start from scratch. I sit there and I say, okay, we have the images of the property, the survey and all the notes that I wrote when I interviewed my customers.”

“I start by making a shape that conforms to all that information. Taking all that information and translating that into a drawing. When I show it to my customers, most of the time, they say, ‘Wow!’ and we may make a few revisions or small changes. But always my first original drawing is usually a wow because it’s a response of all the information that I got from my customers. I don’t know if that is a philosophy, but all I do is listen to my customers and make sure I’m designing what they wanted, not the way I want it. I’m adding my point of view, but the way that they want it. Maybe that’s just me being altruistic.”

Pool and spa design - Photo Credit: Joan Roca Master Pool Designs
Photo Credit: Joan Roca Master Pool Designs

PM: You’ve been in the pool industry since 1975. What’s changed about building pools since you first started?

JR: “When I started building pools, I remember that my father used to do everything in one and a half inch. One skimmer, one main drain, one and a half inch, one pump.”

“In that time, everything was very simple. I think that mainly what has changed the most is technology. Now we have pumps that are so quiet, you don’t even know they are there. Technology changes a lot and maybe some tendencies. Like in the past, people used to have very deep pools. People these days understand that they don’t need an 8-foot deep pool with a diving board. This is one thing that might have changed substantially. Now, in the majority of my pools, are designed with an overflow or vanishing edge. The decks used to be more with some kind of mix of aggregate and cement and things like that. Now they are using much more natural stone.”

PM: What’s hot and trending in your local market of Jacksonville right now?

JR: “Well, it is one of the 20 cities I read about in an article before I came to Jacksonville. Jacksonville was rated one of the 20 better cities to live in the world. Now that I live here, I can tell you first-hand that the quality of life there is high. Most of the people, when they want a pool, they don’t just want something average. They want something nice like a showpiece for their backyard. They figure, if they can pay a designer to have a custom pool, why not do it if they have the money”

PM: What are they putting in these pools that make them like such a focal piece of the backyard?

JR: “For example, a perimeter overflow that probably carries an extra pump, an extra filter, and maybe has a surge compensation tank. Talking about and all the gutters that you have to do underneath the deck, that’s probably another $30,000-$40,000 more than an average pool just to have that feature.”

“I had a project in Costa Rica where the customer paid $1.5 million. People said, what? You did $1.5 million pool in one house? Well, we built two pools, one indoor pool, and one outdoor pool. The outdoor pool has a waterfall, a spa, an infinity edge, and a spa. The interior pool has lots of details that make the project more expensive too. You add three or four fire bowls, and because you have those kind of water features, the pool gets more expensive.”

Commercial pool design - Photo Credit: Joan Roca Master Pool Designs
Photo Credit: Joan Roca Master Pool Designs

PM: You’re doing projects all over the world. What’s that process like for you and how do you manage that kind of remote work?

JR: “Well, it’s not the same, because as I told you before, my first inspiration is going to the site. What I do in those cases is ask the customer or somebody there to take photos of the property, make videos, and try to get as much of that feeling of being there, as possible.”

“It’s not quite the same. Even if you understand the situation when you see a video and you know what is on the right side and left side, what trees you have there, and the view, it’s still not the same as being there, but it does the job.”

“During the height of the pandemic for example, I was at my property that I have in Costa Rica which is about 200 acres. I got a call from a customer in Toronto. They bought a property in Panama, and they were looking for a designer on the Genesis website. They saw that I was from that area so they hired me. I think that was one of the first ones I did remotely.”

“I told the customer, I’ve never done this before without visiting the job site, but let’s try it. Well, it’s been a success, but I still felt it could have been better if I really knew the place and had been there. But I think that it’s just where we were at the time, you couldn’t really travel.

PM: Were they happy with the design you did for them?

JR: “I mean, they were happy, and I’m happy, but what happened is that I went to the place right after the pandemic finished. When I got there I start understanding things that I never understood just from the pictures and the videos.”

PM: What do you foresee the next couple of years looking like for our industry?

JR: “Well, the whole industry has always been up and down other than in 2008. It’s my gut feeling that things are going to be okay. What could be affecting things with economy right now is the situation with Russia and their war in the Ukraine, for example. In Jacksonville, there are a couple of customers that I designed a really nice pool for, people unrelated to each other and they decided to the pool builder, to wait until they see what happens there. I think that this “wait and see” way of thinking could be happening with more and more people.”

“They may be thinking ‘We’re ready to make that investment, but let’s see what happened there first’. But besides that war, I don’t think the pandemic is going to really affect things in our industry going up or down. That has been more or less established.”

Over 46 years of experience designing pools - Joan Roca Master Pool Designer
Over 46 years of experience designing pools – Joan Roca Master Pool Designer

PM: When you look back at the few decades and your own body of work, what are some of your favorite projects?

“I have maybe two pools that I like more. And why do I like them more? I don’t know why. Why do some people think Sofia Loren is more beautiful than Rachel Welch? What I’m saying is that it’s very personal. Both are beautiful, both are the greatest.”

“I have a pool that I did just for me back in 2000 and I think it’s one of the best swimming pools in the world. But maybe that’s because I get to enjoy it. All the pools that I did for other people are really nice but I don’t enjoy them as much because I don’t use them. Now my pool in Costa Rica, it’s an amazing oasis. For some reason, that place, the pool, the surrounding, the view, the mountains, the house, the rocks, it’s very special.”

“I also built a pool in Panama for a really rich family in a remote place, a pool that was surrounded by mountains. Beautiful. I really love that project. It was one of the pools that they show on the front cover of magazines. But yeah, those are the ones that personally resonate.”

PM: What is some advice that you would impart on professionals that are looking to design and build the way you do?

JR: “The first thing that came to my mind is dedication and integrity in their work. Whatever you do, even if you are a shoemaker, soccer player, teacher, do it with dedication. If you put dedication into your work, the first 50% is done.”

“And then, integrity – in the full concept of the word. Do it well, with the right skills, and make it with passion and respect. Apply all your knowledge, technology, and abilities in each and every design that you do. Above all, pay attention to your customer.”

About Joan Roca Master Pool Designs

Joan Roca (Barcelona 1958) emigrated to Costa Rica in 1973 and began his career in the swimming pool industry in 1975. A member of the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals (APSP) since 1982. He graduated as an Industrial Engineer in 1984. Certified in 1986 by the National Swimming Pool Foundation (NSPF) first as Certified Pool Operator and then in 1988 Certified Pool Instructor.

In the following years he continued his studies through educational programs and more than 200 high-level seminars, and in 2005 he was certified as a Certified Building Professional by the APSP and graduated Master Professional.

Watershape Designer SWD at Genesis University, creating his recognized swimming pool design and construction company under the seal of JOAN ROCA MASTER POOL DESIGNER

Three times awarded Master of Design by Pool & Spa News: 2008, 2014 & 2018. Over the years his work has been recognized and awarded internationally 19 times. Several publishers around the world have admired his creativity publishing his work in books in 7 languages and has been on the front cover of 16 prestigious magazines in the USA: Luxury Pools, Aquamagazine, WaterShapes, Pool & Spa News.

In 2013 he obtained a Master’s degree at INCAE Business School moving his head office to Panama until 2020 to attend Latin America. In 2021 he moved to Jacksonville, Florida, expanding his work worldwide.

The excellent work of his firm has contributed to raising the quality of the swimming pool industry to the highest level.

Joan Roca, with 47 years of experience and more than 1,000 swimming pools under his belt, residential and commercial, fountains, reflecting pools and water gardens, in design and construction, turns outdoor space into a work of art, combining natural and avant-garde elements with the latest technologies.

Listen to our entire interview with Joan Roca at the International Pool Spa Patio Expo in Las Vegas on the Pool Magazine podcast.

4.9/5 - (16 votes)

Editor in Chief of Pool Magazine - Joe Trusty is also CEO of, the leading digital agency for the pool industry. An internet entrepreneur, software developer, author, and marketing professional with a long history in the pool industry. Joe oversees the writing and creative staff at Pool Magazine. To contact Joe Trusty email [email protected] or call (916) 467-9118 during normal business hours. For submissions, please send your message to [email protected]

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This Pool Was Designed Specifically For a Lamborghini



In the realm of opulence and architectural innovation, a unique project has emerged, blending the world of high-end automobiles with the tranquility of a residential swimming pool. Nestled in the waterfront properties of South Florida, a cutting-edge pool, dubbed the “Lambo Pool,” has been crafted to showcase a homeowner’s Lamborghini in a mesmerizing aquatic display. This extraordinary venture was a collaboration between Foxterra Design, Custom Pool Systems, and Jonny Nalepa, a distinguished pool professional and aquatics engineer from Smart Aquatics.

A consultant on projects throughout the Sunshine state, Nalepa’s burgeoning firm Smart Aquatics recently had the opportunity to collaborate on numerous high profile projects, the latest was completed several months ago and has already begun turning heads.

Swimming Pool Built to Showcase a $250K Lamborghini

“The Lambo Pool” project, as Jonny Nalepa affectionately calls it, was brought to life through the vision of entrepreneur Alex Moeller, a passionate car enthusiast and homeowner in Davie, Florida. Moeller’s desire was to seamlessly integrate his prized Lamborghini Aventador SVJ into his backyard, an idea that prompted him to engage the expertise of Foxterra Design.

Foxterra Design, led by the innovative duo Justin and Nate, known for their wild and incredible designs, took on the challenge of creating a pool that would not only house the luxurious vehicle but also serve as a breathtaking water feature. The project was further brought to fruition by Custom Pool Systems, the builders responsible for transforming the conceptual design into a tangible reality.

Jonny Nalepa, in his role as a consultant, played a crucial part in transposing Foxterra Design’s conceptual renderings into a working set of construction drawings that Custom Pool Systems used to physically build the pool. With the Lamborghini being a high-value asset, Nalepa and his team took meticulous steps to prevent any potential damage. This involved extensive research, including reaching out to Lamborghini to obtain precise measurements and specifications for the vehicle.

Technical Challenges Bringing The Project To Fruition

“With a vehicle that’s probably over $250,000, we wanted to make sure that we didn’t damage the car by making the water too deep or when the car is driving over the perimeter overflow there,” said Nalepa, “I mean, there’s a slot with a gutter underneath, so we have a cantilevered condition. We got to make sure this thing’s going to work right.”

“This one happened to be on a grass edge, but we also had to make sure that we could support the vehicle going over this perimeter overflow as many times as the client wanted to move it, ” explained Nalepa.

“We took Foxterra’s design and we developed it to make sure that we met all the setbacks and the codes and everything for Miami. We did our due diligence and were pretty thorough. We looked up the actual model, make and model of the vehicle. We measured the height of it. We measured the width of the wheels, because there are some bubblers in that area where the car is parked. So we don’t want the car to drive over the bubblers, or at the very least, if the car does drive over them, we don’t want them to crack because most pool fixtures are plastic,” said Nalepa.

Going The Extra Mile To Research

In his detailed explanation, Nalepa mentioned, “We contacted Lamborghini, and we got all the specifications. We confirmed what the max slope was. The car can go up and down and left and right. And we wanted to make sure that we had enough water to overflow this feature so that you could visually see that it’s a water feature.”

“We had to modify what our typical perimeter overflow detail is,” explained Nalepa, “there’s a gutter beneath, in this case, a stainless steel overhang. It’s like an L bracket almost that overhangs a gutter and comes almost right up against the pool structure. So all you see is a little strip, but in the area where the car goes over, we didn’t want to have a full overhang of six or eight inches.”

“The car is pretty heavy, and you never know what’s going to happen,” said Nalepa, “someone could park it and stop. The back wheels could be sitting on that overhang, so we had to account for that and beef up the structure on that side.”

Thinking Around Corners

The way this was done is pretty ingenious, according to Nalepa. “We removed the drop piping from that entry area and wanted to make sure that the structure was robust enough so we got rid of all the PVC plumbing that goes in a typical perimeter overflow edge condition. Doing it that way we could increase the structural integrity of the concrete. We kind of made it a minimal gutter where the overhang is only a few inches.”

“We went through a couple of different iterations, by the way, before we landed on that one. In the end, it’s kind of a simple solution to achieve the look Foxterra was going for,” said Nalepa.

Despite the difficult technical challenges, the Lambo Pool was a resounding success. Nalepa expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “We were excited to work on this project, but it was definitely a challenging one.”

“Lambo Pool” Collaboration Rolled Out a Winner

One of the standout moments for Nalepa was the opportunity to drive the Lamborghini onto the feature, a surreal experience for any car enthusiast. Reflecting on the uniqueness of the project, he remarked, “It’s so far out of something that you can dream up, the fact that Foxterra was like, ‘Let’s put it in the pool.’ Most people may have just parked it next to the pool or something like that, but they went for it.”

Custom Pool Systems also knocked it out of the park on this project. “The perimeter overflow is impressive. There are no dry spots. They did an incredible job executing and building this project. There’s a level of craftsmanship that you can see a mile away. It looks and feels expensive and that’s through material selections and just the way the mitered edges are and devils in the details kinds of things,” said Nalepa.

The Lambo Pool stands as a testament to the collaborative efforts of talented professionals in the fields of design, construction, and aquatics engineering. It exemplifies the intersection of luxury, creativity, and meticulous planning, resulting in a truly extraordinary fusion of automotive and aquatic excellence.

Want to learn more about the Lamborghini Pool? Listen to our entire conversation with Jonny Nalepa on the Pool Magazine podcast.

Photo / Video Credits: Jimi Smith Photography
Designer: Foxterra Design
Builder: Custom Pool Systems
Aquatics Engineering: Smart Aquatics

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Pool Inspiration: Villa 95’s Z-Shaped Oasis

Pool inspiration achieved. The Z-shaped geometry of this design concept provides the perfect canvas for the ultimate luxury at-home oasis.



Pool Inspiration: Villa 95's Z-Shaped Oasis

Looking for pool inspiration? The enchanting landscape of Cádiz, Spain is the perfect backdrop for Villa 95, emerging as a masterpiece of contemporary architecture. The unique pool and outdoor living design is captivating professionals with its exquisite aesthetic. Crafted by the visionary team at Fran Silvestre Arquitectos, this unique design showcases the seamless integration of modern living with the surrounding natural beauty.

The inspiring essence of Villa 95 lies in its expressive Z-shaped three-story structure, a continuous movement that beckons residents to embark on a journey of exploration through its various rooms. The unique zig-zag design is eloquently summarized by the architects themselves, stating, “The expressive nature of this three-story house is designed in a continuous movement that suggests, between its different rooms, a walkway from where to explore the landscape that expands in front of it.”

Zig Zag Design

One of the most distinctive features of Villa 95 is its exterior morphology, strategically arranged to maximize the utilization of its plot. The architectural elements, resembling a long diagonal arrangement, appear to connect only at their vertexes. However, within this seemingly disjointed exterior lies an intricate internal network of interconnected spaces, fostering constant communication between different parts of the residence.

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The upper floor of Villa 95 unfolds to reveal a sprawling balcony, serving as both the roof of the middle section and an expansive vantage point. The limits of this elevated space extend in two directions, reaching outwards to embrace the lure of a smartly appointed outdoor living area and stretching inwards to the confines of the plot, seamlessly blending with the upper level of the house.

What sets Villa 95 apart is its tertiary configuration and the uninterrupted succession of spaces, inviting the observer to follow the playful figure that defines its shape. This almost whimsical yet sophisticated geometry not only creates a visually captivating aesthetic but also establishes the distinct identity of the house.

Juxtaposing Pools

6 Reasons Why This Pool Design Is Inspiring

1. Aesthetic Harmony with Landscape:

Villa 95’s design seamlessly integrates with the surrounding landscape of Cádiz. The pools, strategically positioned to overlook different parts of the property, contribute to the aesthetic harmony between the built environment and the natural surroundings.

2. Innovative Use of Elevation:

The placement of the vanishing edge pools at different juxtaposing elevations is a stroke of genius. This not only adds an element of drama and visual interest but also showcases a keen understanding of topography. We’re inspired by the elevation play, as it challenges the conventional flat pool design, demonstrating how thoughtful consideration of different levels can elevate the overall pool experience.

3. Architectural Integration:

Villa 95’s Z-shape geometry and the integration of multiple pools within the structure are a showcase of the successful fusion of architecture and aquatic design. It’s inspiring to see architects treat pools not just as mere accessories but as integral components of the overall design. This approach encourages them to think beyond the pool as a standalone feature and consider it as an integral part of the larger architectural canvas.

4. Spatial Flow and Connectivity:

The uninterrupted succession of spaces and the continuous movement of the design create a sense of spatial flow. It’s easy to appreciate the interconnectedness of the different areas, as it suggests a holistic approach to outdoor living. Today’s leading designers are exploring methods that promote connectivity between various poolside spaces and the broader architectural context, this project is a perfect example of how this has come into play.

Modern Indoor Pool Design

5. Distinctive Identity:

Villa 95’s playful yet sophisticated geometry gives the property a distinctive identity. The inspired design showcased how pools located throughout the entire property can contribute significantly to the overall character of a residence. This design concept truly embraces the concept of making the entire home an oasis.

6. Luxurious Panoramic Views:

The strategic placement of the vanishing edge pools offer breathtaking panoramic views of the landscape. Today’s homeowners are drawn to the idea of swimming pools that not only serve as recreational spaces but also as vantage points, providing residents with a luxurious visual experience. This focus on the overall experience inspires one to consider pools as immersive elements within the broader living environment.

Photo Credits: Fran Silvestre Arquitectos

4.6/5 - (11 votes)

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12 Modern Pool Designs That Will Take Your Breath Away

We take a look at 12 incredible modern pool designs and discuss the future of designing swimming pools for residential and commercial spaces.



Swimming pools have come a long way from their humble beginnings as basic rectangular structures. Today, they are a symbol of luxury, relaxation, and architectural innovation. Modern swimming pool designs not only serve as refreshing retreats but also as eye-catching focal points in resorts, hotels, and commercial spaces. Later in this article, we will explore the evolution of swimming pool designs, the features and amenities that define them, and how they contribute to creating tranquility in outdoor living spaces. But first, let’s take a look at some incredible contemporary examples that emote a sense of the modern and sophisticated look many pool designers strive for today.

These Modern Pool Designs Will Inspire You

Hotels, Resorts, Commercial Spaces

Como Laucala Island – Fiji

Nestled on the exclusive private island of Como Laucala in Fiji, the 25 villas are dispersed across the sandy shores, hilltops, and crystal-clear waters. Each villa serves as a secluded haven, adorned with furnishings crafted from natural rattan, thatch, and wood, complemented by individual private swimming pools. While every villa promises unparalleled luxury, it’s the resort’s 82-foot lap pool that emerges as a tempting allure for guests seeking a communal yet indulgent aquatic experience.

Como Laucala Island - Fiji
Photo Credit: Laucala Island

Stretching elegantly in a long and linear fashion, the raised lap pool boasts a distinctive feature—a glass wall at one end that unveils panoramic vistas of lush greenery within the resort grounds and the expansive ocean beyond. This captivating aquatic centerpiece is surrounded by daybeds, inviting cabanas, and a stylish pool bar offering island-inspired cocktails and refreshing, health-conscious juices. The setup is irresistibly inviting, encouraging guests to immerse themselves in the scenic beauty and indulge in leisurely moments that extend throughout the day.

Alila Villas Koh Russey, Cambodia

Unveiled in November 2018, the contemporary Alila Villas Koh Russey situated on Russey Island within the Koh Rong archipelago can be reached by a brief 10-minute boat journey from Cambodia’s southern coast. Crafted by Singaporean architect Chioh-Hui Goh of Studiogoto, the resort’s design draws inspiration from the intricate grid-like Cambodian Krama pattern. The 98-foot-long pool structure is a visual homage to the geometric layout found in the renowned Cambodian temple of Angkor Wat, effectively merging two of Cambodia’s cultural symbols. Constructed with two distinct hues of local Cambodian stones, the pool not only reflects the 3D grid pattern but also adds a distinct touch to the overall design.

Modern pool design - Photo Credit: Alila Hotels and Resorts
Photo Credit: Alila Hotels and Resorts

7132, Vals, Switzerland

Nestled at the entrance of the charming village of Vals in Switzerland’s Grisons Alps, the 7132 Hotel, affiliated with the Preferred Hotels & Resorts network, stands as a testament to the area’s natural beauty. Renowned architect Peter Zumthor, acclaimed for his award-winning design of the new spa complex, elevated the hotel’s status by showcasing its legendary thermal springs, known for their highly mineralized water. Constructed from raw concrete and meticulously assembled with 60,000 slabs of local quartzite stone, the monolithic structure pays homage to Vals through its architectural prowess. Designed with strategic openings, the spa complex accentuates the panoramic views of the sweeping valleys, enhancing the overall experience for guests. Peter Zumthor’s visionary work on the 7132 Hotel has solidified its place as a masterpiece in the heart of the Grisons Alps.

Modern pool designs - Photo Credit: Preferred Hotels & Resorts
Photo Credit: Preferred Hotels & Resorts

Playa Vik Jose Ignacio, Uruguay

Perched dramatically on the coastal cliffs, this cantilevered pool is a striking feature of Playa Vik Jose Ignacio, located 93 miles from Uruguay’s capital, Montevideo. Unveiled in 2009, this boutique beach house retreat is a haven for art enthusiasts, with its focal point being a soaring, swimmable sculpture meticulously crafted by Carrie and Alex Vik in collaboration with Uruguayan architect Carlos Ott.

Modern Swimming Pool - Photo Credit: Playa Vik Jose Ignacio
Photo Credit: Playa Vik Jose Ignacio

The 75-foot cantilevered pool, constructed from Uruguayan black Absolute Nero granite, extends boldly beyond the terrace, seemingly defying gravity as it hovers 32 feet above the sandy beach below. Not merely a pool, it doubles as a celestial canvas, boasting a fiber-optic light map of the Southern Hemisphere’s night sky. This mesmerizing feature is achieved through small optic light points embedded within the pool floor, creating a celestial spectacle as guests swim beneath the stars. Playa Vik Jose Ignacio’s cantilevered pool is a masterful blend of artistry, architecture, and nature, offering a unique and immersive experience in this coastal paradise.

Aura Skypool – Dubai

Perched 688 feet above the vibrant cityscape of Dubai, the Aura Sky Pool is a luxurious oasis that beckons those seeking a celestial escape amidst the clouds. Perched atop the Palm Tower skyscraper within the Jumeirah archipelago, the Aura Skypool is a two-story masterpiece, meticulously crafted to resemble an ethereal island suspended in the sky. Embraced by a sculptural wall evoking the essence of natural rock formations, adorned with verdant greenery, and complemented by subtle wood accents, this elevated oasis redefines the concept of a poolside escape.

Skypool Dubai
Photo Credit: Aura Skypool Dubai

As the sun casts its golden hues over the iconic Dubai skyline, the Aura Skypool offers an unrivaled panorama of architectural marvels, glistening waters, and the vast expanse of the desert beyond. The pool’s design seamlessly merges with the modern aesthetic of the city, featuring sleek edges and a minimalist aesthetic that accentuates the surrounding urban brilliance.

The Aura Skypool is not merely a recreational space; it’s an experience. Surrounded by chic lounging areas, cabanas, and stylish furnishings, the pool area transforms into a glamorous setting for relaxation and socializing. The crystal-clear waters seemingly merge with the horizon, creating an illusion of boundless space and adding a touch of magic to the overall ambiance.

Aura Skypool Dubai
Photo Credit: Aura Skypool Dubai

Shangri-La, The Shard, London, UK

Occupying the 34th to 52nd floors of Renzo Piano’s iconic structure, Shangri-La’s inaugural property in the UK is housed within this architectural marvel. Anchored on the 52nd floor, the Infinity Skypool claims the title of Western Europe’s highest pool and shares its lofty domain with the chic GONG cocktail bar—the pinnacle of London’s elevated watering holes.

Conceptualized by the Hong Kong-based interior designer Andre Fu, the mastermind behind the GONG bar, the pool and its adjoining bar exude an atmosphere of sophistication with a minimalist palette of beige and gold. The expansive windows offer captivating views of the city, providing an immersive backdrop to this elevated oasis.

Modern pool - Photo Credit: Shangri-La, The Shard, London, UK
Photo Credit: Shangri-La, The Shard, London, UK

Designed to be a tranquil escape for guests, the 11 x 4-meter heated Infinity Skypool faces west, treating swimmers to breathtaking panoramas of St Paul’s Cathedral, the London Eye, and Westminster. This aquatic haven, with its serene ambiance and iconic vistas, is poised to redefine the concept of elevated luxury within the heart of London’s skyline.

Modern Residential Pool Designs

Bel Air, CA – Paul McClean

Situated gracefully in the esteemed Bel Air neighborhood, this extraordinary residence, envisioned by the acclaimed architect Paul McClean, offers a perfect fusion of urban panoramas and secluded serenity. Surrounded by lush vegetation, the home imparts a profound sense of privacy and calm, providing an escape from the city’s hustle and bustle.

Modern residential pool design - Photo Credit: Fillippo Bamberghi
Photo Credit: Fillippo Bamberghi

Distinguished by its design, the rear of the house is encased in glass, affording breathtaking views of the pool and the picturesque landscape from every room. Recently hitting the market with an impressive $41 million price tag, this architectural marvel beckons discerning buyers to experience the pinnacle of luxurious living.

Lima, Peru, V.Oid Architecture

In the picturesque landscape of Lima, Peru, V.Oid Architecture has brought forth a striking summer house that ingeniously embraces the natural contours of the terrain. Capturing the essence of innovative design, this architectural gem unveils a mind-blowing pool, where concrete walls emerge organically from the earth, creating a visual marvel. Adding to the allure, a dramatic glass panel at the pool’s end transforms the aquatic experience into an extraordinary journey of aesthetic immersion.

Modern residential pool - Photo Credit: Juan Solano
Photo Credit: Juan Solano

Bazil – Fernanda Marques Arquitetos Associados

Crafted by Fernanda Marques Arquitetos Associados, this awe-inspiring design in Brazil fulfills a unique client request—a swimming pool inside the apartment. Encased in glass, the pool not only becomes a striking focal point but also provides abundant entertainment for those within the double-height living room.

Modern Pool Designs That Will Inspire You - Photo Credit: Christopher Nolasco
Photo Credit: Cristopher Nolasco

Miami Beach – Doo Architecture

In the heart of Miami Beach, the villa designed by Doo Architecture showcases a sophisticated infinity swimming pool adorned with a seamless black stone perimeter. The rear of the house effortlessly unfolds onto the adjoining patio, creating a seamless transition that merges with the contemporary allure of the pool.

Modern residential pool design in Miami Beach
Photo Credit: Oriol Tarrida

Jellyfish House – Wiel Aret

Wiel Arets’ Jellyfish House boasts an exceptional feature—an avant-garde, cantilevered rooftop pool with a captivating glass bottom. The pool’s azure waters form a striking contrast against the pristine white monolithic design of the house, offering a dreamy and ever-evolving spectacle. Whether viewed from the outdoor patio or the kitchen within, the swimming pool becomes a mesmerizing centerpiece, blending artful design with aquatic allure.

Modern Pool Designs - Photo Credit: Jan Bitter
Photo Credit: Jan Bitter

Wainscott, NY – Barnes Coy

For a cool $45 million last year, ownership of this oceanfront residence by Barnes Coy in Wainscott, New York could have been yours. The rear of the home boasts a 22-foot-high glass wall, offering breathtaking panoramic views of the water. Adjacent to this feature is an expansive outdoor area, featuring an angular swimming pool with a distinctive Lautner edge. If the residence seems familiar, it’s because it made an appearance in an episode of HBO’s Succession.

Modern Pool Design by Barnes Coy Architecture
Photo Credit: Barnes Coy Architecture

Today’s Modern Swimming Pool

The history of swimming pools dates back thousands of years, with early examples found in ancient civilizations such as the Greeks and Romans. However, it wasn’t until the 19th century that swimming pools became more common in Western society. The growth of leisure time and the emergence of the middle class led to the popularity of private swimming pools.

Today’s modern swimming pools are characterized by a variety of features and amenities that go beyond their basic function. Infinity edges, waterfalls, underwater lighting, and unique shapes are just a few examples. These features not only enhance the visual appeal but also contribute to a sensory experience for those enjoying the pool.

Principles of Modern Pool Design

Several principles guide the design of modern swimming pools, ensuring they align with contemporary aesthetics and functionality:

  1. Integration with Surroundings: Modern pools are designed to seamlessly blend with their surroundings, whether it’s a natural landscape or an urban setting. This integration enhances the overall visual appeal and creates a harmonious environment.
  2. Customization and Innovation: Designers are pushing boundaries with innovative shapes, materials, and features. Customization is key, as pools are tailored to meet the specific needs and preferences of the space they occupy.
  3. Sustainability: Environmental consciousness has influenced modern pool design, leading to the implementation of sustainable features such as energy-efficient pumps, solar heating, and water-saving technologies.
  4. Technology Integration: Automation and smart technology play a significant role in modern pool design. Remote control systems, LED lighting, and advanced filtration systems contribute to ease of maintenance and enhance the user experience.
  5. Wellness Focus: Pools are increasingly designed with health and wellness in mind. Features like swim jets, resistance currents, and designated areas for water aerobics contribute to a holistic approach to fitness.

The Evolution of the Modern Pool in Residential Outdoor Living Spaces

The traditional rectangular pool, once a staple in residential backyards, has given way to a myriad of contemporary shapes and designs. Homeowners and designers are embracing freeform pools, kidney-shaped designs, and even infinity edges that create a seamless visual connection with the surrounding landscape. This departure from conventional shapes adds an artistic flair to the backyard and enhances the overall aesthetics of the space.

Modern pool design goes beyond the pool itself, emphasizing the integration of the pool area with outdoor living spaces. Patios, decks, and lounge areas are strategically incorporated to create a seamless transition between indoor and outdoor living. The result is a cohesive and inviting environment that encourages socializing, relaxation, and entertainment.

Designer creating a modern and contemporary swimming pool design.

Technological Advancements

Water features have become a hallmark of modern pool designs, introducing elements like cascading waterfalls, bubbling fountains, and elegant water spouts. These features not only enhance the visual appeal but also contribute to a soothing auditory experience. Additionally, technological advancements have brought innovations such as smart pool systems, LED lighting, and energy-efficient filtration, making pool maintenance more convenient and environmentally friendly.

Materials and Finishes

Gone are the days when pools were limited to basic blue tiles. Modern pool design places a strong emphasis on materials and finishes that complement the overall aesthetic of the home. Glass tiles, natural stone, and mosaic patterns are popular choices, adding texture and depth to the pool’s visual appeal. The pool’s surroundings are also carefully curated, with options ranging from lush landscaping to sleek, minimalist finishes.

Wellness and Fitness Focus

As health and wellness take center stage in contemporary living, modern pool designs often incorporate features catering to fitness and relaxation. Swim jets, resistance currents, and spa-like elements provide homeowners with opportunities for both exercise and rejuvenation, turning the backyard pool into a multifunctional space for well-being.

Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Designs

With a growing emphasis on sustainability, modern pool designs often integrate eco-friendly features. Saltwater systems, solar heating, and energy-efficient pumps contribute to a reduced environmental footprint, aligning the pool with the principles of responsible living.

Rethinking Resorts, Hotels, and Commercial Spaces

Commercial spaces, particularly hotels and resorts, have witnessed a transformative journey in the realm of modern pool designs. What was once a simple amenity has evolved into a focal point of architectural innovation, offering guests not only a refreshing dip but an immersive and visually stunning experience. In this article, we’ll dive into the evolution of modern pool design in commercial applications and explore how this evolution has permeated various water features in these spaces.

Architectural Integration and Ambiance

Modern hotels and resorts have shifted from treating pools as mere functional components to integral elements of the overall architectural design. Pools are now seamlessly integrated into the landscape, often reflecting the natural surroundings. Infinity pools that appear to merge with the horizon, rooftop pools with panoramic city views, and pools with unique shapes are all examples of how architects are using these aquatic features to enhance the ambiance and overall aesthetic of commercial spaces.

Artistic Elements and Unique Shapes

The demand for visually striking and unique designs has given rise to pools that double as works of art. Commercial spaces are increasingly incorporating pools with intricate mosaic designs, artistic tiling, and even sculptures that serve both functional and aesthetic purposes. Unique shapes, such as irregular geometries and freeform designs, are becoming more prevalent, adding an element of surprise and sophistication to the overall pool experience.

Multi-Functional Spaces

Modern pool designs in commercial settings often go beyond traditional swimming areas. They are now part of multi-functional spaces that include lounging areas, cabanas, and even outdoor dining zones. These versatile spaces cater to diverse guest preferences, providing areas for relaxation, socializing, and recreation. The poolside is no longer just about swimming; it’s a destination within the destination.

Innovative Water Features

The evolution of pool design in commercial spaces has led to a proliferation of innovative water features. Waterfalls, fountains, and interactive jets have become commonplace, creating a multisensory experience for guests. Some resorts even incorporate musical or choreographed water shows, elevating the entertainment value of the pool area.

Modern Pool Design Software

The Future of Modern Pool Design

The evolution of modern pool designs has transcended the conventional boundaries of functionality, transforming these aquatic spaces into integral elements of contemporary living. Whether gracing the rooftops of urban skyscrapers, nestled in lush landscapes, or adorning the private sanctuaries of upscale homes, modern pools have become more than just recreational amenities—they are immersive experiences that harmonize with the surrounding environment.

As we continue to witness the convergence of architectural innovation, sustainability practices, and wellness-focused designs, the future promises even more exciting developments in the realm of pool design. From smart technologies and eco-friendly features to imaginative shapes and multi-functional spaces, the journey of modern pool design remains a dynamic exploration of form, function, and aesthetic appeal.

As homeowners, architects, and designers embark on this aquatic adventure, the contemporary pool stands not just as a symbol of luxury but as a testament to the ever-evolving synergy between human ingenuity and the natural world. Whether reflecting the skyline of a bustling city or mirroring the tranquility of a secluded retreat, modern pools have become canvases where lifestyle aspirations and design creativity converge, leaving an indelible mark on the landscapes of our leisure and architectural experiences. So, as we dive into the future, let the ripples of modern pool design continue to inspire, captivate, and redefine the essence of aquatic living.

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