In a groundbreaking move, Governor Kathy Hochul of New York has introduced the “NY SWIMS” initiative, aiming to enhance water safety across the state. The $60...
This holiday season, you can help decrease Florida’s drowning rates by taking action towards providing swimming lessons for children around the state. By pre-ordering just one...
A day spa in Richmond, CA has been linked to a Legionnaire's Disease outbreak that claimed the lives of two people.
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our lives and communities in various ways, including what people have turned to for leisure and recreational activities. Because many had...
Funds will honor Joe Delaney, who tragically died while trying to save three children from drowning, and will address inequities in aquatic safety by providing swim...
As a community, let's make a difference and put water safety as a top priority this entire pool season, not just during Water Safety Month.
PHOENIX, May 18, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Many Americans do not know how to swim, placing themselves at risk as they enjoy swimming pools, lakes, rivers, and oceans this...
A TikTok video shown as a "parenting hack" is raising alarms with pool safety experts.
(Overland Park, Ks.) – May 15 is International Water Safety Day. It’s a day designated to spread global awareness of the drowning pandemic and to educate youth in...
(Alexandria, Va.) — The Pool & Hot Tub Alliance (PHTA) is pleased to announce that Pentair is returning to its role as Program Sponsor for National...