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Contractors and Builders

Pentair Pool Builder Software May Just Be a Game Changer

We take a look under the hood at Pentair Pool Builder and discuss the software with developer Tommy Reynolds.



Pentair Pool Builder Software May Just Be a Game Changer

These days pool builders are searching for best-in-class software that can help them save time, improve efficiency, and communicate better with customers. Pentair Pool Builder is a software that aims to do exactly that. While there are plenty of solutions out there geared toward design, few applications exist for managing a pool construction business. Pool builders in general prefer a system that offers flexibility, ease of use, and reliability. Consequently, Tommy Reynolds, the developer behind the software, said his app is the game changer that the pool industry has been waiting for. We had the chance to discuss the software with Reynolds on the Pool Magazine Podcast and got the opportunity to learn more about the features and benefits.

One on One With Pentair Pool Builder Developer, Tommy Reynolds

For Reynolds, the path toward developing the app started with building a pool. A seasoned software developer and entrepreneur, he was having a swimming pool of his own built and discovered that communication throughout the process was lacking.”I was going through building a pool and had some experiences. I felt like as a consumer, I should be a little bit more connected. That was kind of the premise of me getting involved in starting this project,” said Reynolds.

Frustrations With The Pool Building Process

For Reynolds, he felt that he knew what to expect before construction began but once things got started is when he felt the need for better communication. “When we got to construction, there were a few communication gaps. A lot of times they use subcontractors, and their availability could be at the drop of a hat. They’re going to be at your place unannounced to work on the pool.” explained Reynolds, when describing the frustrations.

“My dog had been let out a couple of times,” said Reynolds, “and so I just thought, ‘I wish there was an app that I could put on my phone that would tell me when someone’s going to be at the house, I could put the dogs away.’ I just felt like, maybe there’s an app for this. I approached my builder and asked him, ‘Do you have an app for me to use?’ And he said he didn’t. My next question was, ‘Does anybody have an app?'”

“He’s been building pools for 25 years, and an industry expert, and so he said he didn’t know of anything for the customer,” explained Reynolds, “so that really started the creative juices flowing and made me think I should just take this on as a passion project for him and I to work on something. I figured, if it works out, he can share this with the next customer, and then they could benefit from what we built.”

Reynold’s builder recognized the potential of what they had developed in a short time frame and began showing it to his Pentair dealer who took interest in the app and invited Reynolds to demonstrate it for the senior leadership team at Pentair. “I was invited to go to the International Pool & Spa Expo to show them what we’d been working on,” explained Reynolds, “When I showed them what we were doing, they said, ‘This is pretty cool and we’d like to be a part of it.'”

Reynolds, who began working locally with pool builders in Texas said word began to get around fast. “Once we got out there, we really knew that we had something. There’s a real demand and need for this type of product. So we started working with builders locally and then it just grew to what it is today,” explained Reynolds.

Learn more about Pentair’s new software for pool builders – Pentair Pool Builder

Communication is the #1 Challenge for Pool Builders

“I think the biggest challenge that a lot of pool builders have is just with communication and managing the customer’s expectations along with inner office communications and their subcontractors,” said Reynolds, “what Pentair Pool Builder really does is it addresses the communications gap. We start with the sales lead management process. When a salesperson goes out to the job site, they can begin taking photos and uploading those right then and there. We relieve some of the stress and friction just by allowing them to do things on the spot. The mobile application allows that salesperson to manage that lead throughout the process.”

Problems That Pentair Pool Builder Solves

Pentair Pool Builder promises to solve a few different problems that contractors face on a daily basis. Their mobile-friendly app enables builders to simplify job costing with real-time pricing updates and easily create instant estimates and change orders that be signed electronically. With a robust built-in CRM, salespeople can efficiently manage their leads and sales with better visibility.

Pentair Pool Builder is feature packed and has numerous cost saving benefits.

Core Benefits:


What Pool Builders Are Saying About Pentair Pool Builder

  • “It gives the designers the ability to see what’s going on in real time.” – Susan Rodriguez, Office Manager, Cypress Custom Pools 
  • “It’s a very efficient app, and it has helped streamline the building process. For everybody.” – Tommie Fleeman, Project Manager, Backyard Oasis

Simplifying Pool Construction Management

Custom tailoring the pool construction management experience to a variety of contractors was key in developing a tool that can be universally adopted, said Reynolds. “It’s a completely customizable process. So how they build their pool may be different than someone else. They’re able to customize that experience to their process,” he explained.

“The construction module of the software is basically the orchestration of producing a swimming pool,” said Reynolds, “from the time they excavate it to the time they put water in it. All the processes that happen and all the people that it takes to make it happen are managed through the software which provides the ability for scheduling of resources. There are also notifications to let people know when it’s their time to do the job, as well as let other people know what’s happening on the job site.”

The integration of camera monitoring into the software system also promises to lower the amount of windshield time between visiting job sites, explained Reynolds. “Generally the project superintendents are having to drive job to job to check things out. Once we introduced the job site monitoring capability that we now have, it allowed them to do that remotely. Now, they can actually cover more jobs in a single day than they would by driving around to check on those jobs.”

Listen to Our Entire Discussion

Learn more about Pentair Pool Builder take a deeper dive by listening to our conversation with Tommy Reynolds on the Pool Magazine podcast. For those interested in learning more about the software or taking a demo, visit Pentair’s website.

4.9/5 - (10 votes)

Editor in Chief of Pool Magazine - Joe Trusty is also CEO of, the leading digital agency for the pool industry. An internet entrepreneur, software developer, author, and marketing professional with a long history in the pool industry. Joe oversees the writing and creative staff at Pool Magazine. To contact Joe Trusty email [email protected] or call (916) 467-9118 during normal business hours. For submissions, please send your message to [email protected]

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Contractors and Builders

Thinking of Selling Your Pool Company? Know Your Worth

Thinking of selling your pool company? It helps to know your worth. Find out what investors are really looking for when buying a company.



Thinking of Selling Your Pool Company? Know Your Worth

Selling a pool business requires more than just crunching numbers and applying a basic formula. A friend and colleague of mine in the pool industry, learned this the hard way. Despite having yearly sales of $2 million and an EBITDA of $200,000, he initially believed his business was worth between $600,000 and $1,000,000. However, a deeper analysis revealed that the true worth was closer to zero. One thing became clear to me, if you’re thinking of selling your pool company, it certainly helps to know your worth.

Figuring Out What Your Pool Company Is Worth

Understanding the key components that determine a pool company’s value is crucial for anyone considering selling their business. The primary drivers are EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization) and multiples of EBITDA.

EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest Taxes & Depreciation) is a critical factor when valuing a business.
EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest Taxes & Depreciation) is a critical factor when valuing a business.

EBITDA: The Foundation of Value

EBITDA serves as a fundamental indicator, representing the operational profitability of a business. Investors often look for businesses with a 20% profit margin, valuing them at three to five times their EBITDA. For example, a pool company generating $1 million annually with an EBITDA of $200,000, the estimated value could range from $600,000 to $1 million.

RayPak Avia

Some simplify the valuation process by associating the value directly with revenue. For instance, a business with $1 million in revenue might be considered worth $1 million. However, this simplistic approach neglects the nuances that savvy investors scrutinize.

Factors That Decrease Value: Beware of Red Flags

Merely relying on the EBITDA formula is insufficient. Investors consider various factors beyond the numbers. For example, a business owner not paying themselves a salary, might falsely believe their profit is the true measure of success. However, investors aren’t just buying a business; they’re buying a sustainable operation. Industries with low profitability or thin profit margins are sure to deter investors.

Moreover, risks such as high turnover rates, equipment issues, or seasonal businesses with no new customers can decrease confidence, making investors hesitant to pay a premium.

When valuing how much a pool company is worth, it helps to go beyond the math alone.
When valuing how much a pool company is worth, it helps to go beyond the math alone.

Going Beyond Simple Math To Find Value When Selling a Pool Company

As businesses scale in revenue, the multiples of EBITDA change significantly. Larger companies with steady revenue streams may be valued at five to seven times EBITDA, or even higher if they go public. Patents on proprietary technology can further elevate the valuation.

Consider Instagram, a company with only 13 employees valued at $1 billion when acquired by Facebook. Patented technology can attract major players and launch bidding wars, driving multiples into the stratosphere.

What are the key factors investors are looking for when purchasing a pool company?
What are the key factors investors are looking for when purchasing a pool company?

What Are Investors Looking For?

Investors typically look for several key factors that can make buying a pool company more attractive. These factors can contribute to the overall value and potential return on investment. Here are some important considerations when selling your pool company:

Stable Revenue and Profit Margins:

Consistent and growing revenue streams are attractive to investors. A pool company with a stable customer base and recurring revenue from services such as maintenance contracts can be more appealing.

Healthy profit margins demonstrate the company’s ability to manage costs effectively.

Customer Base and Contracts:

A large and diverse customer base with long-term contracts can provide a predictable income stream and reduce the risk of revenue fluctuations.

Contracts for pool construction, maintenance, and repair services can enhance the company’s value by ensuring ongoing business.

Reputation and Brand Recognition:

A strong reputation for quality service, customer satisfaction, and reliability can significantly enhance the company’s value. Positive customer reviews and testimonials contribute to brand recognition.

Established brand equity can be a competitive advantage and attract new customers.

Geographic Reach:

A pool company that serves a broad geographic area or has the potential for expansion into new markets may be more appealing to investors looking for growth opportunities.

A diverse customer base across different regions can help mitigate risks associated with local economic downturns.

Technological Integration:

Companies that leverage technology for efficient operations, customer management, and data analysis are often more attractive to investors.

Integration of smart pool technologies and other innovations can position the company as forward-thinking and responsive to market trends.

Experienced Management Team:

A skilled and experienced management team is crucial. Investors often look for a team with a proven track record in the pool industry, as well as a history of successful business management.

The presence of knowledgeable and capable leaders can instill confidence in investors.

Compliance and Regulatory Considerations:

Adherence to industry regulations and compliance with safety standards is essential. Companies with a strong commitment to legal and regulatory compliance are generally viewed more favorably by investors.

Financial Health and Growth Potential:

A strong balance sheet, positive cash flow, and manageable debt levels are indicators of financial health.

Clear growth potential, whether through expansion, diversification, or innovation, is attractive to investors seeking a return on their investment.

Environmental and Sustainability Practices:

Increasingly, investors are interested in companies that prioritize environmental sustainability. This may include energy-efficient pool systems, responsible water management, and eco-friendly pool chemicals.

Market Trends and Industry Outlook:

Awareness of and adaptation to current market trends, such as the increasing demand for home improvement services, sustainable practices, and smart home technologies, can enhance a pool company’s attractiveness to investors.

Becoming More Attractive To Investors

For pool companies looking to sell, the time to enhance value is now. Going the extra mile by pushing sales, increasing social media presence, and staying relevant can significantly impact the company’s perceived worth. Introducing innovative products can lead to substantial increases in EBITDA and future sale value.

Even small improvements, such as a 1% or 2% increase, can translate into millions of dollars. Building confidence in your company not only attracts investors but also maximizes the return on investment when it comes time to sell. In the dynamic pool industry, strategic efforts to bolster value will undoubtedly pay off in the long run.

Investors purchasing a pool company will determine its value using these key metrics.
Investors purchasing a pool company will determine its value using these key metrics.

Determining The True Value of a Pool Company

Valuing a pool company requires a multifaceted assessment that encompasses financial metrics, industry dynamics, and qualitative factors. Investors seeking to determine the company’s worth typically delve into the financial health, examining revenue sources, profit margins, and Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA).

Additionally, the composition and stability of the customer base, existing contracts, and backlog of projects are crucial indicators of future revenue and growth potential. Tangible assets, liabilities, and cash flow analysis provide insights into the company’s financial structure, while an evaluation of the management team’s experience, brand reputation, and compliance with industry regulations contributes to the overall assessment.

Beyond financial considerations, investors scrutinize the company’s position in the market, competitive landscape, and its alignment with industry trends. The geographic reach, technological integration, and commitment to innovation are also pivotal factors. Evaluating risk factors, including customer concentration and potential challenges in the regulatory environment, is essential. The investor’s exit strategy and the company’s future growth prospects, whether through market expansion or service diversification, add further dimensions to the comprehensive valuation process.

One thing is certainly for sure, selling your pool company these days isn’t always so cut and dry. Ultimately, the valuation of a pool company is a nuanced undertaking that requires a combination of financial expertise, industry knowledge, and a thorough understanding of qualitative factors to arrive at a well-rounded assessment of the company’s value. Finding the right buyer who truly understands what your company is worth is the key to getting the right price.

4.9/5 - (15 votes)

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Contractors and Builders

Building Out




photo credit to Chaikin Ultimate Pools

The 2022 PHTA Builder of the Year shares top tips for service providers looking to get into pool construction

When Kyle Chaikin began building pools, he dove in head-first. He had been servicing pools for more than a decade and just completed his first renovations when a long-time customer asked him to build his hotel pool. “I told him I had never done it before, but I would sure like to try,” he says.

With the customer’s support, he built his first pool. Not long after, Chaikin found himself with two more hotel jobs and his service company progressing into the construction space — a move he says he never intentionally planned.

Fast-forward past a merger in 2011, and Chaikin is now president of Long Island, New York-based Chaikin Ultimate Pools and was named the 2022 Builder of the Year by the Pool & Hot Tub Alliance (PHTA). His company still services pools under the business arm The Ultimate in Pool Care, and Chaikin himself oversees residential and commercial builds — many of them high-end — on the construction side.

To build or not to build

For both service companies and builders alike, the grass often seems greener on the other side. Builders often turn to service to maintain business with customers they built pools for, but the draw from service to construction is just as strong.

“There’s always a push to get into construction from the service side,” says Chaikin. “Sometimes it works out great. In my case, it seems to have worked out, and we’re very happy, and I know lots of companies that have done it.”

However, Chaikin advises that service companies weigh the pros and cons of making the change carefully, as the big jobs in construction can mean “big money, but also bigger headaches.”

“There’s always something, there’s always an issue, whether it’s with a piece of equipment or not being able to get a piece of equipment, or perhaps even the timing of it,” he says.

Scheduling projects can be especially challenging on the commercial side, where you often must meet the demands of customers while at the mercy of general contractors’ timetables.

However, while the world of construction can bring big risks, it can also yield big rewards.

“Monetarily, if you’re doing it well and doing it right, there’s money to be made by being a good builder who does the job properly and on time,” says Chaikin.

How to build a construction business

For those service companies determined to make it big as builders, Chaikin shares his top tips for getting started and ramping up.

Tip #1: Get the prerequisites first.

“The best advice I can give is to go through the proper channels,” Chaikin says. Before starting, you’ll want to have the necessary education, license, experience, and insurance needed to build safely and properly.

  • Education and licensure — You will want to obtain and maintain the Certified Builder Professional (CBP) certification if you are to build pools that are economic, efficient, and safe, according to Chaikin. You can earn all four levels of certification, from CBP to Master CBP, through the PHTA GENESIS® education program.
  • Experience — “Classrooms are great, but get out in the field and check it out first,” says Chaikin. If you’re starting at square one, his advice is to subcontract out a builder and observe the job start to finish until you can understand and avoid common obstacles yourself.
  • Insurance — Make sure your insurance will cover construction work. The insurance you need to build pools is not the same as the insurance needed to run a business or service pools.

Tip #2: Get the proper people in place.

Ensuring you have the correct workers building your projects is critical, as the pool of qualified skilled builders is currently small.

“If you’re building a swimming pool these days, even in a backyard, you need a pretty high level of knowledge to make sure that you’re building it properly and engineering it correctly,” he says.

As safety is paramount, you’ll want to make sure those who are building the pool and overseeing the build know all the building codes in the jurisdiction in which you are working. Be aware that commercial and residential codes are quite different. The laws will vary in different locations as well. For example, in New York an engineer is required to design all the hydraulics and structural components of commercial pools.

Tip #3: Get pricing right.

Supply chain issues have begun to resolve, but builders are still dealing with some unexpected price increases for materials. Chaikin says including escalation clauses or force majeure in building contracts can help provide financial relief. However, this can be difficult on the commercial side.

“These general contractors and developers have become savvy, if not shark-like,” he says, adding that most will refuse escalation clauses and look for someone else.

If you cannot protect against escalation, you will need to make sure that all parties stay on schedule, so your project is priced properly. You can limit your liability by getting a substantial completion date.

Tip #4: Get involved in the industry.

Chaikin says his involvement in the industry has been the most beneficial thing for his business. This means committing to continuous learning, as well as helping to teach others.

“If all our peers are doing the same education tracks, the more knowledgeable everybody is, the better educated everybody is, then the better the industry will be.”

Photo Credit to Chaikin Ultimate Pools

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Contractors and Builders

Pool Techs Cash In On Hayward’s “Get Paid To Upgrade” Program



Pool Techs Cash In On Hayward's "Get Paid To Upgrade" Program

Hayward®, a leading manufacturer of pool products, has launched an enticing new program called “Get Paid to Upgrade,” aimed at pool servicers, technicians, and builders. The initiative rewards these professionals with a $50 payment for each installation of a qualifying Hayward product, replacing a competitor’s pump, heater, filter, or other select equipment. The campaign not only benefits pool contractors by providing an additional revenue stream but also demonstrates Hayward’s commitment to supporting pool repair companies and their clients.

Hayward’s “Get Paid to Upgrade” program has been designed to be effortless and efficient for pool technicians. Participants can access the program website,, through any mobile device or desktop. Pool techs are required to enter their email address, upload before and after installation photos, provide the new Hayward product’s serial number, and answer a few questions. Once the verification process is approved, Hayward offers a choice of a $50 digital reward from a variety of partner options, ranging from food and home improvement to electronics and outdoors.

The “Get Paid to Upgrade” campaign encompasses a broad selection of Hayward’s pool products, including pumps, filters, heaters, sanitization systems, water features, lighting, and more. This extensive lineup offers contractors a range of options to upgrade their customers’ pools, while simultaneously earning rewards for their efforts.

A Win-Win for Pool Contractors

Pool contractors like Scott Reynolds, owner of Purpose Pools in Las Vegas, have found the “Get Paid to Upgrade” program to be a boon for their businesses. Currently, his firm ranks second in the nation for submissions to the program. Reynolds described the initiative as a “no-brainer”.

“It’s an opportunity to generate some additional revenue and also to serve our clients,” said Reynolds, “what we do is take the rebates and use them as bonuses for our team members. At times, we’ve also used that bonus to discount certain Hayward products for seniors on a budget. It’s a great representation of how well Hayward supports pool repair companies like ours and of course, the clients that we serve.”

“We’re working together with Hayward on our local community outreach program,” said Reynolds. “We make donations regularly here in the Las Vegas area to local charities and nonprofits. Specifically, there is this one initiative called Project 150, where we’re helping underprivileged high school students get ready for this upcoming school year. Hayward was quick to jump in and get involved and are matching a large donation that we’re making to help some kids out before school starts,” said Reynolds, elaborating on ways his firm is collaborating with Hayward at a local level.

Listen to our entire conversation with Scott Reynolds on the Pool Magazine podcast.

Reynolds certainly isn’t the only one leveraging the rewards offered by Hayward. Pool companies like his are taking advantage of ways they can boost team morale by using the earned bonuses to incentivize their technicians. Moreover, companies are also passing these rewards on to homeowners, enabling them to offer discounts to those homeowners in need.

The success of the “Get Paid to Upgrade” program reflects Hayward’s commitment to supporting pool repair companies. By offering rewards for upgrading customers to their premium pool products, Hayward helps pool technicians expand their offerings and enhance customer satisfaction. The program not only strengthens business relationships but also fosters a sense of collaboration between Hayward and pool contractors.

Hayward’s “Get Paid to Upgrade” program is proving to be a popular program for pool contractors, providing them with an opportunity to earn additional income while delivering top-notch products and services to their clients. The program’s ease of use and broad range of eligible products make it an attractive proposition for pool technicians looking to upgrade their customers’ pools. Moreover, the rewards earned through the program foster goodwill and enable contractors to support their team members and provide discounts to clients in need. As pool contractors continue to cash in on this beneficial campaign, Hayward’s commitment to supporting the industry remains unwavering, further solidifying its position as a leader in the pool products market.

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