
This Pool Was Designed Specifically For a Lamborghini



In the realm of opulence and architectural innovation, a unique project has emerged, blending the world of high-end automobiles with the tranquility of a residential swimming pool. Nestled in the waterfront properties of South Florida, a cutting-edge pool, dubbed the “Lambo Pool,” has been crafted to showcase a homeowner’s Lamborghini in a mesmerizing aquatic display. This extraordinary venture was a collaboration between Foxterra Design, Custom Pool Systems, and Jonny Nalepa, a distinguished pool professional and aquatics engineer from Smart Aquatics.

A consultant on projects throughout the Sunshine state, Nalepa’s burgeoning firm Smart Aquatics recently had the opportunity to collaborate on numerous high profile projects, the latest was completed several months ago and has already begun turning heads.

Swimming Pool Built to Showcase a $250K Lamborghini

“The Lambo Pool” project, as Jonny Nalepa affectionately calls it, was brought to life through the vision of entrepreneur Alex Moeller, a passionate car enthusiast and homeowner in Davie, Florida. Moeller’s desire was to seamlessly integrate his prized Lamborghini Aventador SVJ into his backyard, an idea that prompted him to engage the expertise of Foxterra Design.

Foxterra Design, led by the innovative duo Justin and Nate, known for their wild and incredible designs, took on the challenge of creating a pool that would not only house the luxurious vehicle but also serve as a breathtaking water feature. The project was further brought to fruition by Custom Pool Systems, the builders responsible for transforming the conceptual design into a tangible reality.

Jonny Nalepa, in his role as a consultant, played a crucial part in transposing Foxterra Design’s conceptual renderings into a working set of construction drawings that Custom Pool Systems used to physically build the pool. With the Lamborghini being a high-value asset, Nalepa and his team took meticulous steps to prevent any potential damage. This involved extensive research, including reaching out to Lamborghini to obtain precise measurements and specifications for the vehicle.

Technical Challenges Bringing The Project To Fruition

“With a vehicle that’s probably over $250,000, we wanted to make sure that we didn’t damage the car by making the water too deep or when the car is driving over the perimeter overflow there,” said Nalepa, “I mean, there’s a slot with a gutter underneath, so we have a cantilevered condition. We got to make sure this thing’s going to work right.”

“This one happened to be on a grass edge, but we also had to make sure that we could support the vehicle going over this perimeter overflow as many times as the client wanted to move it, ” explained Nalepa.

“We took Foxterra’s design and we developed it to make sure that we met all the setbacks and the codes and everything for Miami. We did our due diligence and were pretty thorough. We looked up the actual model, make and model of the vehicle. We measured the height of it. We measured the width of the wheels, because there are some bubblers in that area where the car is parked. So we don’t want the car to drive over the bubblers, or at the very least, if the car does drive over them, we don’t want them to crack because most pool fixtures are plastic,” said Nalepa.

Going The Extra Mile To Research

In his detailed explanation, Nalepa mentioned, “We contacted Lamborghini, and we got all the specifications. We confirmed what the max slope was. The car can go up and down and left and right. And we wanted to make sure that we had enough water to overflow this feature so that you could visually see that it’s a water feature.”

“We had to modify what our typical perimeter overflow detail is,” explained Nalepa, “there’s a gutter beneath, in this case, a stainless steel overhang. It’s like an L bracket almost that overhangs a gutter and comes almost right up against the pool structure. So all you see is a little strip, but in the area where the car goes over, we didn’t want to have a full overhang of six or eight inches.”

“The car is pretty heavy, and you never know what’s going to happen,” said Nalepa, “someone could park it and stop. The back wheels could be sitting on that overhang, so we had to account for that and beef up the structure on that side.”

Thinking Around Corners

The way this was done is pretty ingenious, according to Nalepa. “We removed the drop piping from that entry area and wanted to make sure that the structure was robust enough so we got rid of all the PVC plumbing that goes in a typical perimeter overflow edge condition. Doing it that way we could increase the structural integrity of the concrete. We kind of made it a minimal gutter where the overhang is only a few inches.”

“We went through a couple of different iterations, by the way, before we landed on that one. In the end, it’s kind of a simple solution to achieve the look Foxterra was going for,” said Nalepa.

Despite the difficult technical challenges, the Lambo Pool was a resounding success. Nalepa expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “We were excited to work on this project, but it was definitely a challenging one.”

“Lambo Pool” Collaboration Rolled Out a Winner

One of the standout moments for Nalepa was the opportunity to drive the Lamborghini onto the feature, a surreal experience for any car enthusiast. Reflecting on the uniqueness of the project, he remarked, “It’s so far out of something that you can dream up, the fact that Foxterra was like, ‘Let’s put it in the pool.’ Most people may have just parked it next to the pool or something like that, but they went for it.”

Custom Pool Systems also knocked it out of the park on this project. “The perimeter overflow is impressive. There are no dry spots. They did an incredible job executing and building this project. There’s a level of craftsmanship that you can see a mile away. It looks and feels expensive and that’s through material selections and just the way the mitered edges are and devils in the details kinds of things,” said Nalepa.

The Lambo Pool stands as a testament to the collaborative efforts of talented professionals in the fields of design, construction, and aquatics engineering. It exemplifies the intersection of luxury, creativity, and meticulous planning, resulting in a truly extraordinary fusion of automotive and aquatic excellence.

Want to learn more about the Lamborghini Pool? Listen to our entire conversation with Jonny Nalepa on the Pool Magazine podcast.

Photo / Video Credits: Jimi Smith Photography
Designer: Foxterra Design
Builder: Custom Pool Systems
Aquatics Engineering: Smart Aquatics

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