In the wake of a heartbreaking incident at a hotel pool in northwest Houston, authorities are diligently investigating the circumstances surrounding the drowning of an 8-year-old...
The world was left in shock as news broke of the sudden and tragic passing of Matthew Perry, adored for his role as Chandler Bing in...
(Tustin, CA – August 28, 2023) – As a state of emergency is declared for 33 Florida counties ahead of Tropical Storm Idalia, which is expected...
In the scorching heat of an ongoing heatwave, the tragic death of an 81-year-old Modesto resident, Robert Madruga, serves as a solemn reminder of the dangers...
PHOENIX, May 18, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Many Americans do not know how to swim, placing themselves at risk as they enjoy swimming pools, lakes, rivers, and oceans this...
A TikTok video shown as a "parenting hack" is raising alarms with pool safety experts.
(Tustin, CA – May 2, 2023) – It is with the heaviest of hearts that the National Drowning Prevention Alliance (NDPA) extends its deepest sympathies to...
Drowning rates increased during the pandemic and experts agree we may have hit a crisis point.